Pronunciation: डिबाकल
Hindi Meaning:
पराजय, असफलता, परजीत
Example: 1. झूठे वादे करने वाले नेताओ की पराजय संभव है।
2. असफलता केवल यही सिद्ध करती है कि सफलता के लिये पूरे मन से प्रयास नहीं किया गया।
English Meaning: A debacle
is an event or attempt that is a complete failure.
1. After the debacle of the war the world was never
the same again.
2. If we want to look at the country’s problems
start with the debacle of the healthcare system.
Synonyms: Failure, defeat, loss fall, discomfiture, catastrophe, mess,
wreck, ruin
Antonyms: Accomplishment, victory, wins success, creation,
construction, and rise
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Previous words of the week: Camouflage