Pronunciation: ओब्ड्युरेसी
Hindi Meaning: पक्का होना,
हठी होना, ज़िद्दी होना, ढीठपन
Example: बच्चों की हर ज़िद पूरी करने से वो हठी हो जाते है।
English Meaning: If you accuse someone of obduracy, you think
their refusal to change their decision or opinion is unreasonable.
Example: MPs have
accused the government of obduracy and called on ministers to reverse their
Synonyms: impertinence, audaciousness, indiscretion, petulance,
Antonyms: submissive, docile, humble, tactful, polite, susceptible,
Previous words of the week: Prodigal
Previous words of the week: Prodigal