Pronunciation : टेम्पराइज़
Hindi Meaning : अस्थिर रहना, मौका देखकर बात बदल देना, अनिश्चित नीति बरतना
English Meaning : 1. If you say that someone is temporizing, you mean that they keep doing unimportant things in order to delay something important such as making a decision or stating their real opinion.
2. Avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain time.
Example :
1. They are still temporizing in the face of what can only be described as a disaster.
2. Opportunity was missed because he temporized his decision.
3. The Committee is responsible for the program tended to temporize as they waited for the special guest to come.
Synonyms : equivocate, procrastinate, delay, extend, prevaricate, prolong
Antonyms : determine, conclude, accost, accelerate
Previous words of the week: Unassailable
Hindi Meaning : अस्थिर रहना, मौका देखकर बात बदल देना, अनिश्चित नीति बरतना
English Meaning : 1. If you say that someone is temporizing, you mean that they keep doing unimportant things in order to delay something important such as making a decision or stating their real opinion.
2. Avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain time.
Example :
1. They are still temporizing in the face of what can only be described as a disaster.
2. Opportunity was missed because he temporized his decision.
3. The Committee is responsible for the program tended to temporize as they waited for the special guest to come.
Synonyms : equivocate, procrastinate, delay, extend, prevaricate, prolong
Antonyms : determine, conclude, accost, accelerate
Previous words of the week: Unassailable