List of wrongly pronounced words in India - Part I
Pronunciation is the way or the manner of speaking a word. A word can be pronounced in different ways by various persons depending on many factors such as: their location, education, social class, childhood, voice disorders and many more. It is an undeniable fact that in India people have acquired a not-so-bad command of English language but still the mispronunciation of certain words is very common among a good majority of English speakers in India. Below is the list of some commonly used mispronounced words.
- Science: It is pronounced as saayans not as signs.
- Receipt: It is pronounced as ri-seet not as ricept.
- Almond: It is pronounced as Ah-mund, (L is silent) not as Aal-mund.
- Bury: It is pronounced as Be-ri and not as Burr-ri.
- Dengue: It is pronounced as Den-gee not as Den-goo.
- Pizza: It is pronounced as peet-zuh not as Pi-za.
- Genre: It is pronounced as Zhon-ruh not as Jen-ner.
- Quote: It is pronounced as kwo-te not as coat.
- Sour: It is pronounced as sower (as in power) not as saar.
- Police: It is pronounced as Puh-leece not as Poo-leece.
- Coupon: It is pronounced as Koo-pawn not as koo-pun.
- Gauge: It is pronounced as gayj not as gauj.
- Raspberry: It is pronounced as Raz-ber-ee (P is silent) not as rasp-berry
- Cocoa: It should be pronounced as koh-koh and not as koh-koh-wa.
- Dessert: It is pronounced as dizz-urt not as des-ert.
- Bowl: It is pronounced as bo-hl (pronunciation of O) not as baa-ool.
- Euler: It is pronounced as Oiler not as Yular.
- Truth: It is pronounced as troo-th not as tru-th.
- Capris: The correct pronunciation is Kuh-preez and not as cape-reese.
- Plumber: It is pronounced as plumer with b silent.