Pronunciation : कॉन्ट्राइव
Hindi Meaning : इजाद करना, उपाय निकालना ,आविष्कार करना, योजना करना
Example : अपराधियों ने जेल से बाहर निकलने का उपाय सोचा।
English Meaning : If you contrive an event or situation, you succeed in making it happen, often by tricking someone.
Example :
1. The criminal contrived a plan to escape from jail.
2. He could not contrive an explanation for his misbehaviour.
Synonyms :contrive, invent, discover, think up, make it up
Antonyms : destroy, neglect, stop, ruin, dissuade, demolish, waste
Previous words of the week: Enrapture
Hindi Meaning : इजाद करना, उपाय निकालना ,आविष्कार करना, योजना करना
Example : अपराधियों ने जेल से बाहर निकलने का उपाय सोचा।
English Meaning : If you contrive an event or situation, you succeed in making it happen, often by tricking someone.
Example :
1. The criminal contrived a plan to escape from jail.
2. He could not contrive an explanation for his misbehaviour.
Synonyms :contrive, invent, discover, think up, make it up
Antonyms : destroy, neglect, stop, ruin, dissuade, demolish, waste
Previous words of the week: Enrapture